Kategoriarkiv: bench press

venite et sumam eam

a nice cover of the brilliant song by elvis costello. I really dislike the hushing noises in the original, even they are there for a reason. finally feel like I’m starting to bounce back physically after a few backlashes earlier … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat, weightlifting | 3 kommentarer

a change of plans

went lifting yesterday morning to prepare for my night shift in the ER. tore my shoelaces when setting up for squatting, so I decided to use machines instead of tripping and killing myself. however, the machine also broke and I … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat | 4 kommentarer

weakness of the body

the boys might turn out to be a decent television series. I really enjoyed the comic and hope that the same atmosphere can be carried over to another format. maybe my enthusiasm mostly stem from the feeling of rebelling against … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat | Lämna en kommentar

into the breach

I like this song even though I don’t like beer. new years eve was a very dynamic night at work. the expectation for tonight is about the same, if the text messages I’ve gotten during the day are anything to … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat | Lämna en kommentar

average smart, average strong

enjoying a few days off from work, will be back in the ER on new years eve. while my so is away doing something she loves, I’m at home reading, listening to music and petting cats. in short, enjoying life. … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat | 2 kommentarer

gym and chill

the above song is in swedish but might still be enjoyable for everyone. she is not angry, just disappointed. which is worse. training is coming along nicely given it is merely one of many parts of life. recently I became … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, squat | Märkt , , | 9 kommentarer

the fourth exercise

in powerlifting, there are apparently not three but four lifts/exercises with the fourth and final being eating. how fitting, since I am on the well-known see food-diet: I see food, I eat it. currently on a six week long vacation. … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, deadlift, squat, weightlifting | 3 kommentarer

little did we know / how much trouble / was soon to come

christmas holiday was great, as usual. not that I am overly religious but getting time off from work makes it a worthwhile holiday in my book. last week ended pretty dramatically. luckily, I was surrounded by calm and experienced colleagues. … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, deadlift, squat | Märkt , , , | 25 kommentarer

burning the candle at both ends

living and lifting. I very much look forward to a planned vacation in january 2018, which by that time will be the first real vacation in two years. recent lifts are a-okay. recently I took a short (three weeks) break … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, deadlift, squat | Märkt , , , , | 2 kommentarer

sleep tight, lift heavy, watch people die

I choose to link the acoustic version of the song ”gossamer thin”. there is another version which is also quite good. summer is over. still wearing shorts, though. body temperature is not an issue. people around me wear jeans and … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i bench press, deadlift, squat | Märkt , , , , | 6 kommentarer