venite et sumam eam

a nice cover of the brilliant song by elvis costello. I really dislike the hushing noises in the original, even they are there for a reason.

finally feel like I’m starting to bounce back physically after a few backlashes earlier this year (coach passed, tore a femoral muscle, the greatest man-cold ever witnessed). world records are, as usual, still out of reach but I can realistically imagine setting a PR or two before years end.

the last three months I have made an effort to learn certain things where I have found myself lacking the skill level I desire. for example I have worked more with the ultrasound with the aim to be faster and more accurate when it really matters and I have picked up re-learning german (doing it together with my SO, competition style).

also, body weight is down to 113 kg from 120 kg. it felt semi-motivated to be on the fat side when squatting heavy three times per week as I told myself it was to increase recovery speed. looking back it felt pretty good mentally while lifting but it sucks to be a blob when you know that you won’t even compare to your lifting partners (sure, they compete at IPF worlds, but still…).

working on the box squat has shown, or reminded me of, several important things I need to work on: greater control of the movement on the way down, upper body position on the way up, weight distribution between feet, bar placement.

  1. control on the way down: I tell myself that with greater control, or by better planning ahead if you will, I provide a better opportunity for actually succeeding with the second half of the squat. which brings us to…
  2. upper body on the way up: especially when tired, I tend to lose back control and raise legs much faster than the shoulders (fucking brytböj).
  3. weight distribution: I squat primarily with by left leg, which also carries most of the loaded weight. if I use both legs to squat I might be able to handle heavier loads.
  4. bar placement: I drop my right shoulder, which is accentuated by me not standing in the middle of the bar. basic stuff, really.

that’s that. be good to each other.

Detta inlägg publicerades i bench press, squat, weightlifting. Bokmärk permalänken.

3 kommentarer till venite et sumam eam

  1. Fatman skriver:

    Is brytböj the same as a squatmorning? I am guilty of squatmornings and as a result my thighs are turnip-shaped. I wrote a blog post about it. Also have trouble with the bar dropping to one side as the weight gets heavy.

    • lyftapajobbet skriver:

      indeed, squatmornings.

      gotta read up on your blog. are things with you acceptable overall?

      • Fatman skriver:

        Well I’m still breathing and lifting, so I’d say they’re acceptable.

        Brytböys are sort of inevitable if you have relatively long femurs and want to hit an okay depth. Not everyone is built to emulate Karl Yngvar Christensen. To me, it makes a lot of sens that bodybuilders seeking bigger quads only do partial squats. Or don’t squat at all.

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